Friday, February 9, 2018

Day 8 - Day Of Blessings!

Writing a little early tonight, but I just got back from work within the last hour, and had a number of wonderful surprises awaiting me.

First, Amelia started on 5 boxes of Boost last night, and seems to have a LOT more energy today.  She is still awake and perky and bright, which is a great thing.  Hopefully it will server her better tomorrow as she is supposed to have some friends visiting from school.

Next, there was a package from Dynamic Discs who I had asked about maybe sending a card to Amelia.  She started playing disc golf last summer, and has really enjoyed it and throws mostly Dynamic Discs *(all Trilogy!).  Well, she got a package, and this is what they sent her:
A custom DyeMax disc with her name and wishes for a return to the course, and signatures from the employees, our Dynamic Disc family.  They rock!  This was such an awesome, thoughtful thing.  We really appreciate it, and you can see it made this girl smile!

We also had a package from the PTO President, my PTO "Boss."  This included the money they had made from Bingo Night for Amelia's medical expenses, a check for $168.  It ALSO included a check from Collette herself, more than matching the money from the Bingo Night, a check for $200.  Amelia also got three cards signed by her classmates and friends and teachers.  Our St Rose family is amazing, and we are so fortunate to have them!

Lastly, I got a message from one of our Deacons at church.  They handed off a gift card to Amelia's friend's mother who is coming down to visit tomorrow.  The church bought it to help with incidentals such as gas, food, etc... while we are down here.  Our East Hills / The Grove family is also amazing and so awesome during this time.  It is such a great feeling to know they are praying for us and supporting us while we are here taking care of this amazing girl.

We are so blessed, by those who come visit, by those who send cards or messages of love and prayers, or just take a couple minutes out of their day to say a prayer for Amelia, and for us.  Every thought and prayer matters, and we appreciate all of it.  Thank you so much everyone.

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