Friday, February 16, 2018

Day 15 - Some Good Financial News!

Today is officially 2 weeks of us being here (I must have started the blog on day 2 of us being here... or started a zero-based numbering system, either way).  2 weeks ago, Amelia got her feeding tube in, was exhausted, scared, restless, and we were stressed, scared, frightened.  It is amazing how much difference 2 weeks makes.  Now, Amelia has settled into the rhythm of things, going to Clinic Monday through  Friday, spending the weekend at or around Ronald McDonald House seeing friends and visitors.  We just finished up the last of the parent "training" and such.  Now we start our regularly weekly/biweekly meetings this next week with Parent Support Group Monday morning and a doctor visit Monday afternoon.  Then Family Counseling and a visit with the Nurse on Wednesday.  If Amelia makes her goal weight by Monday, then Tuesday the staff will start to discuss when they will start Bite-Chew-Swallow where they will work on retraining her to eat.  It isn't an immediate thing, it is dependent on when they think Amelia is ready for it.  So, we will be patient and rely on them.  They have been amazing so far, no reason to doubt them now.

Now, onto the good financial news.  We have had all kinds of love and support so far.  This all happened about the time I got our tax return, which wasn't huge but let me set aside $1000 for Amelia's treatments.  We have also been doing the Dave Ramsey Debt Snowball and were putting about $300 every paycheck (every other week) into the next major debt.  That money is now being reallocated for Amelia's treatment until further notice.  We also had our friends at St. Rose PTO put out a Medical Fund jar with raised just under $170, and then my good friend and PTO boss Collette added another $200 to that.  My church sent us a gift card to help with incidentals like food and gas that was more than I was expecting.  I even setup a GoFundMe, just in case there were people reading this that wanted to help but weren't sure how, and that has just reached over $100, which if we don't use will get donated to Ronald McDonald House to help other families in need.  And now, I got a call today from the Children in Crisis fund that I was recommended to apply for, and they have a check for $1000 for me to pick up next week to help with all of this.  God is amazing and has been there every step of the way to help us through this...  From lining everything up just when we needed it for us to come down here (the Kartini Clinic opening, the Ronald McDonald House opening, and then the dog sitter stepping in to help).  Everything just lined up to make sure we could be here.  His provision has been amazing!

Lastly, though some people might not see this as such a big thing, but my favorite coffee place, that I have been a supporter of for 2 and a half years as part of their roasters club, they donated 4 bags of coffee along with my biweekly roasters club bag...  All for use here at Ronald McDonald House... so we have GOOD coffee!  I highly encourage anyone else who loves good coffee to check them out.  They have a storefront in downtown Vancouver, or you can join their roaster's club and get one or  two bags monthly or bi-monthly.  Check them out at Relevant Coffee and I guarantee you won't be disappointed.  Mitch, the owner and the roaster is an artist with a coffee roaster, and draws a mean espresso as well.  HUGE shout out to all my friends at Relevant for the donation.  I love me some great coffee!

Thank you all who have continued to follow along.  It is nice to know that others are out there who have an idea what we are going through.  Your prayers and thoughts and concern are all greatly appreciated.

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